Here are 5 Tips To Find Entry-Level Jobs After Matric:
- Be Confident
- Highlight Your Skills
- Have A CV That Stands Out
- Write A Cover Letter
- Get A Qualification
How Can I Apply These (5) Tips To My Job Search?
Below, you will find an explanation of the five (5) entry-level job tips mentioned above.
Be Confident
All employers look for employees who are confident in themselves and their abilities. You know what you are capable of and what your strengths are. Do not be afraid to mention them, and make sure to explain exactly why you will be an asset to the company.
Highlight Your Skills
You should always add your hard skills and soft skills to your CV.
- Hard skills are skills you obtained through work experience and education, such as knowing how to work with different computer software or equipment
- Your soft skills are interpersonal skills that you can apply to any job position, such as time management, critical thinking and problem-solving.
Have A CV That Stands Out
Your CV is the first thing an employer will see before meeting you face to face. You need to sell yourself to the company by showcasing what you are best at doing and why they should choose you over all the other job applicants.
Write A Cover Letter
A cover letter is your opportunity to present your case. It should be neither too long nor too short. At most, five (5) paragraphs describing why you are a good fit for the job. Also, explain what skills and experiences you can bring to the position you are applying for, as well as how you will benefit the company.
Get A Qualification
A Matric certificate is advantageous because it is typically the minimum requirement for an entry-level job. However, using your Matric certificate to obtain a tertiary qualification will increase your chances of landing an entry-level job even further.
How Do I Make Myself A Better Candidate For Employment?
You must have work experience, any type of work experience is a plus, and you need a tertiary educational background. By having these two (2) things, you will become a better candidate for employment. If you highlight these aspects in your CV, interview, and cover letter, you will certainly stand out from other job applicants and most likely land the job.
However, your employers will always have the final say, and if you do not get the job, it is always a good idea to follow up and ask why. This is so you can see where you can improve and increase your chances of getting the next job. You will become a better candidate over time if you continue to improve yourself.
How Do I Make My CV More Appealing?
To make your CV more appealing, you can incorporate the following tips:
- Tailor your CV to each job you apply for and do not send the same CV to everyone
- Do not make your CV too busy with fancy fonts, formatting, and pictures. Stick to the basics
- Add a short paragraph about yourself at the beginning of the CV
- If you want to list your skills, mention where you have applied them with examples
- Include any awards you have won that can make yourself more appealing to employers
- Before sending out your CV ensure it is always updated, for example, if your contact information has changed or if you have acquired new skills
What Do Employers Seek In An Employee?
Most employers will seek the following attributes in their employees:
- Honest
- Hard-working
- Loyalty
- Confident
- Ambition
- Determined
- Eager to learn
- Flexible
- Team player
- Enthusiastic
How Do I Ace My Interview?
Here are some simple ways you can ace your interviews and increase your chances of getting a job:
- Before going to the interview, do as much research as you can about the company so that if they ask you why you want to work for them, you will be prepared
- When you arrive for the interview ensure you have all your documentation ready, you are appropriately dressed, standing up straight and smiling
- Prepare typical interview questions such as your strengths and weaknesses or what your long term goals are
- Make sure you have questions prepared at the end of the interview that you would like to ask the interviewers. This will make you stand out from other job applicants
- After the interview, follow up with an e-mail thanking them for their time and consideration
Why Is Having A Job Important?
Here are some reasons why it is important to have a job:
- You are actively contributing to making society a better place
- You are learning new skills and knowledge every day
- You will gain an income to support yourself and your family
- You can meet new people to add to your professional network
- You will have a sense of belonging and purpose
Many jobs grant you benefits such as health insurance, pension, and life insurance
Do You Need A Matric Certificate To Get A Job?
No, you do not need a Matric certificate to find a job, but it will certainly increase your chances of finding one. Usually, the bare minimum to enter a company is to have a Matric certificate, but there are some companies that take on students with no Matric certificate, and teach them how to do the job.
If you do not have a Matric certificate, and want to increase your chances of finding a job, you can apply for one of our ICB courses. Some only require a Grade 10 or Grade 11 high school report as an entry requirement.
What Are The Benefits Of Having A Matric Certificate?
Here are some benefits of having a Matric certificate:
- You can apply for tertiary studies at a university or college
- You can apply for bursaries
- You can apply for a variety of job opportunities
- You can apply for apprenticeships
- You can apply for internships
Why Is It Important To Gain Work Experience?
Gaining work experience is important because you will learn valuable, transferable skills that you can apply to any occupation. You will also gain on-the-job training, which many employers value because the more work experience you have, the more employable you will become. They need employees who know how the work environment works.
Having any type of work experience, even if it is only volunteer or internship work, will increase your chances of finding work.
Why Is It So Hard To Find Entry-Level Jobs?
It might be hard to find an entry-level job, because of the following reasons:
- You have a generic CV that looks like everyone else’s
- There were many jobseekers applying for the job, but there were only a few positions available
- You are not applying on enough popular career sites for job opportunities
- The employers are looking for jobseekers with a specific set of skills and experiences
- You must have completed a qualification in a specific field
- Your cover letter was not convincing enough or included many amateur mistakes
How Do I Find A Job With No Work Experience?
You can find a job with no work experience by doing the following:
- There are jobs out there that do not require job experience, make sure you apply for them
- If you have any experience, such as a holiday job or job shadowing, add that to your CV
- Make sure you always attach a cover letter to explain why you are perfect for the job
- Include any educational background you have such as your Matric certificate or even a short course you did
- Highlight all your soft skills and hard skills on your CV
- You can always mention all extracurricular activities you did in high school as well as hobbies to make the employer get to know you
- Highlight any awards you have received, such as winning a medal in sports or receiving certificates of excellence in high school
What Qualification Do You Get After Matric?
The qualification that you get after completing your Matric certificate is called a post-matric qualification. To apply for a post-matric qualification at a university or college, you must have already completed your National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Amended Senior Certificate (SC).
Why Should I Study After Matric?
You should study a course after Matric to increase your chances of finding entry-level employment. The person with a tertiary education will stand out more than the person who does not have one.
Especially if you have a qualification like our NATED diploma, which teaches you theoretical and practical knowledge that you can apply in the workplace. A diploma will improve your chances of getting hired.
What Can I Study After Matric?
You can study one of our NATED diploma programmes after completing your National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Amended Senior Certificate (SC).
Each programme consists of four (4) individual courses. When you complete one (1) of these courses, you will be awarded a certificate. You must complete all four (4) courses in the programme to be awarded your NATED diploma.
Here are the available NATED diploma programmes at our distance learning college:
What Are Some Benefits Of Studying With Bellview Institute Of Distance Learning?
Some benefits of studying at Bellview Institute of Distance Learning include the following:
- Study from anywhere in South Africa
- Work and study at the same time
- Join helpful study groups
- Create a study schedule that suits you
- Have all your study material delivered to your home
- Gain a qualification that will advance your career
How Do I Apply?
If you want to apply for one of our courses here at Bellview Institute of Distance Learning, you can start the registration process by contacting us in one (1) of the following ways:
- Complete this online application
- Contact our course specialists
- Call us on this number: 021 838 8280
- WhatsApp or call us on: 065 656 9818
Frequently asked questions
Yes, if you are still waiting for your Matric certificate, you can apply for a job with your Matric statement. But, in the end, it is up to the employer to decide whether they want to hire you.
You can study right here at Bellview Institute of Distance Learning after completing Grade 12. We offer a variety of NATED and ICB courses that you can study from the comfort of your home.
You should study a field that interests you and that you will find interesting to learn about. It is pointless to study a course you know you will not enjoy or want to work in.
Yes, an entry-level job position is generally the lowest starting point in a company. You can then work your way up from the entry-level position to a higher position.
No, entry-level does not mean you do not have a degree. Entry-level positions are jobs you can apply for to start at the lowest position in a company. Depending on the employer, you may or may not need a degree to start in this position.
Author: Esmari Pool
Editor: Connor Bergsma
Date Published: February 3, 2023