Available Matric Programmes

Adult Matric: Amended Senior Certificate
Adult Matric Certificates are exactly the same certificates as traditional matric certificates. Both of these Matric Certificates are awarded by UMALUSI.

Matric Upgrade: Amended Senior Certificate
Using Matric Upgrade you can select subjects from your Matric Exams. You have the chance to improve the results for these subjects with supplementary exams.

Matric Rewrite: Amended Senior Certificate
Rewriting your Matric Exams offers you the chance to improve on your initial exam results. This can be done for a number of reasons, and is a good idea for all.

Volwasse Matriek – Gewysigde Senior Sertifikaat
Vra Ons Om Jou Terug Te Bel Kontak n Kursus Spesialis Dit is nooit te laat vir enige iemand om hul matriekjaar te voltooi en
Why Should I Study Towards A Matric Certificate?
Having a matric certificate opens many doors in both study and work fields. These opportunities include:
- You can apply for internships
- You can apply to higher education institutions (universities, colleges, etc.)
- Entry-level employment
If you are looking to study towards a degree, you will need to meet the legal minimum requirement of having a matric certificate in order to apply.
Once you have completed your matric certificate, you also have the opportunity to start working immediately. Many jobs have set requirements that include having a matric certificate.
Our Accreditation
Bellview Institute of Distance Learning is registered by the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers for the QCTO. The QCTO also offers Bellview accreditation for NATED programmes. Bellview is also registered with the Department of Higher Education Exams Division to offer NATED exams.
As an educational body, the Adult Matric course offered at Bellview Institute of Distance Learning does not require an accreditation process.
Adult Matric
SAQA ID number: 49647
Qualification Title: National Senior Certificate
Qualification Type: Further Education and Training Certificate
Originator: Generic
Course Credits: 130
NQF Level 04
Exit Level Outcomes:
The Exit Level Outcomes are in the curriculum statements of the individual subjects seen in the form of Learning Outcomes and Assessment Standards.
The Outcomes relating to Languages, Mathematics, and Life Orientation are given since they are fundamental to learning. A set of generic Outcomes and Associated Assessment Criteria is included which apply to the additional optional subjects:

- Home Language and First or Second Additional Language (Communication):
- Listen and speak for a variety of purposes, audiences, and contexts
- Read texts to critically evaluate and respond to a wide range of literary and non-literary texts
- Write using conventions and formats appropriate to diverse contexts
- Use language structures and conventions effectively
- Mathematics:
- Recognise, describe, represent and work with numbers and their relationships to estimate, calculate, and check-in solving problems
- Investigate, analyse, describe and represent a wide range of functions
- Describe, analyse and explain properties of shapes in 2- and 3-dimensional space with justification
- Collect and use data to establish statistical and probability models to solve related problems
- Mathematical Literacy:
- Use numbers and their relationships to estimate and calculate, investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, and national life
- Recognise, analyse, interpret, describe and represent various functional relationships in order to solve problems
- Measure using appropriate instruments to estimate, and calculate physical quantities and to describe and represent properties of, and relationships between 2- and 3-dimensional objects in a variety of orientations and positions
- Collect, summarise, and analyse data and apply knowledge of statistics and probability to communicate, justify, predict and critically interrogate findings or draw conclusions
- Life Orientation:
- Demonstrate knowledge, values, attitudes and skills to achieve and maintain personal well-being
- Demonstrate competence and commitment regarding the values and rights that underpin the Constitution in order to practice responsible citizenship and enhance social justice and sustainable living
- Explore and engage responsibly in recreational activities, understanding the relationship between participation and well-being
- Demonstrate self-knowledge and the ability to make informed decisions regarding further study and career paths
Additional Subjects
- Understand and use specific subject knowledge
- Know and apply specific subject skills
- Understand, adopt and apply the values related to the subject
Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:
The following Critical Cross-Field Outcomes will be addressed by the individual subjects and will form part of the assessment in each subject as laid down in the curriculum statement for each subject:
- Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made
- Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group organisation, and community
- Organise and manage oneself and one’s activities responsibly and effectively

- Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information
- Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral and written presentation
- Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others
- Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation
- Contribute to the full personal development of the learner
Matric Upgrade
SAQA ID number: 49647
Qualification Title: National Senior Certificate
Qualification Type: Further Education and Training Certificate
Originator: Generic
Course Credits: 130
NQF Level 04
Matric Rewrite
SAQA ID number: 49647
Qualification Title: National Senior Certificate
Qualification Type: Further Education and Training Certificate
Originator: Generic
Course Credits: 130
NQF Level 04
Bellview Institute of Distance Learning has been awarded a distance learning Exam Number by the DHET Exams division: 01999921101199995016
What Are Matric Related Courses?
- Adult Matric
- Matric Upgrade
- Matric Rewrite
Our Matric-related courses are all focused on students who did not get their matric certificate. These courses aim to provide students with the following:
- Providing students with an opportunity to complete their National Senior Certificate
- Providing students with matric certificates that are identical to the school grade 12 certificates
- Giving the student the opportunity to improve their matric results or rewrite their matric subjects
- Once the student completes their Amended Senior Certificate, they can apply to a university
What Will I Learn?
You will cover different aspects of matric during each different course:

- Adult Matric: During the Adult Matric course, you will cover 6 subjects in total. The work you will cover includes the curriculum for those subjects from grade 10 up until grade 12
- Matric Upgrade: You will only cover the work on the one or two subjects that you wish to improve your mark upon
- Matric Rewrite: During Matric Rewrite, you will cover all of the subjects you did during your first matric exam (or a set of new subject choices)
Matric-Related Courses
- Adult Matric (NQF level 4)
- Matric Upgrade (NQF level 4)
- Matric Rewrite (NQF level 4)
Adult Matric
Entry Requirements
In order to start your Adult matric course, you will need to meet the following requirements:
- Grade 9 or a grade 9 equivalent certificate
- A matric result that is incomplete
- You must be 21 years or older at the time of writing your examinations
You will need to choose a total of 6 subjects to complete during your Adult Matric course:
Compulsory Subjects

Compulsory subjects are the subjects you must complete during your course. You will have to choose a Home Language, First Additional Language, and a Mathematics option.
Elective Subjects
You need to choose any 3 of the following subjects along with your compulsory subjects. You can choose the subjects that you need for your future studies or subjects that you feel comfortable with.
- Life Sciences (originally Biology)
- Physical Sciences (Chemistry and Physics)
- Business, Commerce and Management Studies
- Accounting
- Economics
- Business Studies
- Human and Social Sciences
- Geography
- History
Course Duration
12 – 24 Months recommended.
The standard matric programme consists of grade 10, grade 11, and grade 12 work. This means that you will technically have to complete three years of work during your Adult Matric course.
You can complete the Adult Matric course in 3 years or less, depending on how fast you can work through all of your study material.
Award Type
National Senior Certificate (NSC) – NQF level 04
Matric Upgrade
Entry Requirements
You will need to meet the following requirements in order to start your Matric Upgrade:
- An incomplete matric result or a final matric result from Umalusi
- You need to be 21 or older when you write your exams
You will cover the course material on the one or two subjects you choose to improve your marks on. You can choose to improve the following subjects:

Course Duration
You can take one to two years to complete your Matric Upgrade course depending on how long you take to work through the course material.
Award Type
National Senior Certificate (NSC) – NQF level 04
Entry Requirements
The following entry requirements must be met for you to register for the Matric Rewrite course:
- You will need to have your original matric results
- You did not meet the requirements for a National Senior Certificate pass
- You need to rewrite 1 or 2 papers
- You need to be 21 or older by the time of your examinations
You will need to choose a total of 6 subjects for your Matric Rewrite. You can choose different subjects than those you originally wrote about.

Compulsory Subjects
A Home Language, First Additional Language, and a Mathematics option is compulsory for your Matric Rewrite course.
Elective Subjects
You must choose any 3 of the following elective subjects along with your compulsory subjects.
Course Duration
This course takes up to three years to complete since you will cover the coursework of your subjects from grade 10 to grade 12.
Award Type
National Senior Certificate (NSC) – NQF level 04
Studying With Bellview Institute Of Distance Learning College
You can complete your studies with Bellview through distance learning to get your matric certificate. Here are some of the benefits of studying with Bellview:
- Support systems: Bellview staff are trained to assist you as soon as possible to give students sufficient support. Student queries are answered within a period of 24 hours
- Quick deliveries: After registering with us, we take care of everything else. Course material will be delivered within 5 to 7 working days
- Receive marks quickly: Assessments are marked as soon as possible and feedback will be available within 24 hours of your submission
- Year-round registration: You can register any time of the year with Bellview. You can choose to wait until you are certain about your choice or get registered as soon as possible
- Study groups: After your registration, you will gain free access to study groups on the Together We Pass platform. You can interact with other students who study the same subjects for additional support through your studies
- Easy application: At Bellview, we have different channels for students to reach out to us. You can:
- apply online
- call our landline (0800 39 00 27)
- speak directly to a course specialist if you need any further assistance

Why Choose To Study Via Distance Learning
Distance Learning is a great option when you are looking to further your studies. You can expect the following benefits with Distance Learning:
- Comfortable study space: With Distance Learning, you will not attend any physical classes. This means that you can choose to study wherever you would find it most comfortable
- Set the pace: You will be able to work in your own time if you study through Distance Learning. You just need to pace yourself so that you are prepared for your exams
- Work while you study: Since you can choose when you study, you also have the option to work while you are studying. You can make money and work on your career while you finish your studies
- Less transport hassle: With no physical classes, there will be no need to pay for extra transport
- Promotion: If you study and work, you will improve your skillset. This means that with your new skills, you might get a promotion in your current work situation

- Affordable: Distance learning is often more affordable than classroom learning because you do not have physical classes
Matric is also known as a National Senior Certificate. The course is on an NQF level 04 and gives students a matric certificate title.
Adults can register at a provincial education office. Alternatively, and more conveniently, you can register online on your educational institution’s website.
If you wish to register for Adult Matric with Bellview, you can apply online, call us on our landline (0800 39 00 27) or speak directly to a course expert.
No, you cannot complete your matric in 6 months. The matric programme consists of three years worth of study material: grade 10, grade 11, and grade 12.
You cannot cram all of that course material into 6 months. Matric-related courses can last up to three years depending on how fast you are able to complete the programme.
Study programmes have set time frames that allow students enough time to complete coursework, assignments, and examinations without overwhelming them. Trying to get your matric fast will likely not give you the best experience or results.
This is why it is important to follow the course guidelines. You should not overwork yourself or feel too much pressure. This is why it is best to focus on getting your matric certificate rather than the time you will spend doing so.
You can register online to complete your matric course. You will then be able to complete your studies and assessments online.
Examinations are usually held at exam venues.
Costs vary depending on your educational institution. You can contact one of our course experts to find out more.
You can rewrite your matric no matter how long you have been out of school. As long as you are 21 or older, you can rewrite matric.
Yes you can, you simply need to register for an Adult Matric Programme to upgrade your matric results online.
You can Rewrite your matric as many times as necessary. You can rewrite your matric until you pass or get the right results.
The three compulsory matric subjects include:
- A Home Language
- A First Additional Language
- Mathematics or Mathematics Literacy
No, you cannot. Buying a matric certificate is regarded as a legitimate crime. You could face big fines, serving time in jail, or both.
Yes, both of these awards are on the same level and will be regarded the same by employers and study institutions.
Bellview offers the following matric courses:
Matric is on an NQF level 04.
No, you cannot do matric in 3 months. Since you will need to study for all your subjects and write your exams, the shortest completion period for matric is 12 months.
Matric certificates and other related certificates are awarded by Umalusi.
Matric Upgrade you need to have written your Matric finals Exam at least once before and you need to be able to present your matric certificate when registering. Matric Upgrade also allows you to choose the subjects you want to upgrade.
Adult Matric allows students who have not yet had the chance to do their Matric to complete their Matric. Students who register for this need to at least have a Grade 9 certificate.
Completing both these programmes awards you an Amended Matric Certificate.
Yes, it is called Adult Matric and awards you with an Amended Senior Certificate. This is equivalent to a National Senior Certificate.
You can study a Matric Programme online through Bellview Institute of Distance Learning.
It costs R150 for the replacement certificate and an extra R55 for a statement of result.
A NSC is a combination of examinations and school based assessments. A Senior Certificate is solely based on examinations.
You can apply through the Department of Basic Education to re-write your Matric. You can also register for the Matric Programmes offered at Bellview Institution of Distance Learning and you will get all the help you need.
Yes, you can. It is possible to get your Matric even though you did not finish grade 12. You can register for a programme called Adult Matric. Upon completion of your Adult Matric programme you will receive an NSC equivalent certificate called a Senior Certificate or Amended Senior Certificate. Which is the same as a traditional Matric Certificate.
The highest pass level is level 7. This is a pass mark ranging from 80% – 100%.
Matric serves as the entry requirement for most entry-level jobs and studies. Doing well in Matric will boost your employability. If you pass Matric on a Bachelor’s Degree level, you will be able to apply for university courses. Simply passing Matric will already give you many opportunities you would not have had without a Matric Certificate.
If you did not get your matric certificate, you can study Matric at Bellview Institute of Distance Learning. We offer a variety of Matric programmes that can provide you with a matric certificate.
Yes, you can. You can do your matric online via distance learning at Bellview Institute of Distance Learning. However, you will have to write the exams at a Department of Education exam venue.
Matric courses are courses that are offered to help students complete their Matric or improve their Matric results.
Bellview Institute of Distance Learning offers the following No Matric courses:
The different types of certificates you can get in Matric are the:
- National Senior Certificate which you receive after completing your matric in high school
- Amended Senior Certificate that you can get after completing your adult matric
To pass Matric, you will need to meet the following minimum requirements:
- 40% for Home Language
- 40% for two other subjects
- 30% for four other subjects
You are allowed to fail only one subject
The Adult Matric: Amended Senior Certificate course will take you 12 – 36 months to complete depending on your pace.
There are approximately 23 subjects in High School Matric. You are only allowed to choose seven (7) subjects to study. You will need to complete four compulsory subjects and three electives.
No, you cannot. You can complete our Matric courses from home, but you will have to write your exams in an assigned venue.
Yes, you can pass Matric without Maths. If you wish to apply at university, you will have to confirm with the university if you will need maths for your course.
Yes, it does. Bellview Institute of Distance Learning offers Matric Programmes for students who want to obtain their Matric Certificates or to improve their Matric results.
The Admission Point Score (APS) is the score system used by universities and colleges to determine whether you are eligible to study for certain qualifications.
No, you cannot. It will take you 12 – 24 months to complete any Matric course.
Depending on which Matric course you choose to pursue, the requirements to do a Matric course are:
- A grade 9 report
- Incomplete Matric results
- Be 21 years or older when you write the exams in May/June
Yes, you can apply for our Matric rewrite if you did not get the results you wanted or if you want to improve your marks.
You can re-do your Matric until you pass or until you get the results you desire.
Yes, at Bellview Institute Of Distance Learning, you can add a subject or two to your Matric Certificate. When studying the Upgrade Matric Course, you will be allowed to add a minimum of four subjects.
Yes. To pass your Matric, you must do well in six (6) subjects. You are allowed to fail one subject and still pass Matric.
The 60% to 69% mark, symbol C, falls under the substantial achievement level in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and a second division achievement in the university.
No. To qualify for a Senior Certificate, you must write at least 6 subjects and pass at least 5 of them.
Yes. In order to pass your Adult Matric, you have to write at least 6 subjects. Five of those need to be passed in order to gain your Adult Matric.
No, buying a Matric Certificate is a criminal offence.
The Matric courses are NQF level 4 qualifications.
There are three Matric courses available, they are:
The Matric Upgrade SAQA ID number is 49647.
No, you cannot. The Matric Rewrite course is meant for students who have written their exams and they want to improve their results. If you do not have a Matric Certificate you can apply for our Adult Matric courses.
The Adult Matric courses SAQA ID number is 49647.
The Matric Rewrite certificate is issued by Umalusi.
These are the four Matric pass levels:
- National Senior Certificate Pass
- Higher Certificate Pass
- Diploma Pass
- Bachelors Pass
The Adult Matric course has a total of 130 credits.
Yes, you are going to be able to change up to 4 different subjects.
The Matric Upgrade course might take up to two years to complete.
You can apply for the Adult Matric course as soon as you receive your Matric results.
Matric refers to the qualification you get after you complete your final year of high school. It is also the minimum requirement for all Universities and Colleges and entry level jobs.
There is no difference between Grade 12 and Matric. Both of them refers to the last year of high school.
If you fail the Matric course you can register to take the exam again.
777 is a code that indicates an outstanding mark.
No legal educational institution will allow you to do your Matric in three (3) months. Completing your Matric will take between 12 and 36 months.
Matric – Adult Matric, Matric Upgrade, Matric Rewrite
Author: Karla Nortier
Editor: Sanel Van Staden
Date Published: October 20, 2021
Last Updated:
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