In case you didn’t know, there are 4 different kinds of learners, and knowing which one you are is extremely important for the success of your studies. Read our article and find out what works for your style of learning. Here’s your chance to find out what type of learner you are!
4 Types of Learners
In order for you to know what type of learner you are, you will need to first understand the 4 different kinds. Learning styles differ depending on the person and their personality type.
Visual Learners
A visual learner as you might suspect based on the name alone, is someone who learns best by observing pictures and visual diagrams. They make up close to 65% of all learning types.
This student will learn much easier when study materials come in visual depictions. A visual learner is prone to doodling and making notes during class, so if this sounds like you, you might be a visual learner after all.
Auditory Learners
This learner is most receptive to sound. You will more often than not be sitting at the front of the class and be shushing everyone around you so you can hear better. An Auditory learner will oftentimes reinforce what they have learned by repeating it back to themselves, because their brains are wired to learn better when listening.
Auditory learners are usually assertive and love communicating. They are not afraid to speak up and thrive off verbally explaining things.
Kinesthetic Learners
These types of learners are sometimes called tactile learners, this refers to their need to learn things by physically experiencing them. They sometimes struggle to sit still and use their hands to touch, feel and demonstrate in order to learn. They excel in physical education such as sports or dance and may need more frequent breaks from studying in order to learn better.
Reading & Writing Learners
A reading/writing learner slightly overlaps with a visual learner, however they have a strong need to learn through written words. This learner usually has a passion for reading, writing in their diaries and searching the web to learn new information.
To test which learner you are, try taking the VARK test and start excelling at your style of learning.
Characteristics Of Types Of Learners
Visual Learners
Auditory Learners
Kinesthetic Learners
Reading & Writing Learners
Study Methods that suits your needs
Visual Learner
- Use colour coding to organise your notes
- Write out all and any directions/instructions
- Use diagrams and flowcharts to make notes easier to interpret
Auditory Learner
- Record lecturers in order to listen to them at a later stage
- Read any questions out loud to better understand
- Actively participate in discussions
Kinesthetic Learners
- Make use of experimental learning like role play or lab work
- Take frequent breaks to rest your mind
- Memorize study material while performing activities like walking or exercising
Reading & Writing Learners
- Jot down notes during class or online learning so you can refer back to it
- Read daily to expand your vocabulary making it easier for you to understand study materials
- Present the information you’ve learnt to yourself reading it out loud
Learn More About Your Style
Now that you are aware of what kind of learner you are, read our related articles exclusively written just for you and what your needs are. Simply click on the link to find out more about how you can optimize your learning experience!
Author: Cindy N Pieters
Date Published: October 12, 2020